Nick Petten worked with an international team of evaluators at Avenir Analytics on the global evaluation of the Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy (PBEA) programme in 14 conflict-afflicted countries around the world. Using an outcome harvest approach, the evaluation used mixed methods to evaluate the progress and impact of UNICEF’s and partnering organizations’ activities for peacebuilding, social cohesion and resilience, and education.
Download the report at UNICEF’s Global Evaluation Database
PBEA was designed to work at the nexus of education and conflict, to improve conflict sensitive programming and contribute to peacebuilding, social cohesion and resilience, using education as an entry point. Meaningful results were achieved in integrating conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding into education sector reform and other policies; building institutional capacities of UNICEF, governments and implementing partners for conflict sensitive programming and peacebuilding; building individual and community capacities to mitigate causes of conflict; and increasing access to conflict sensitive education. More results are expected in generating learning and evidence of what works in social services for peacebuilding. The evaluation made eight overarching conclusions.
UNICEF Evaluation Database: 2015 Global: Evaluation of UNICEF’s Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA)